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Platelet rich plasma (PRP)

Used to accelerate wound healing; repair tendon, ligament and joint damage; heal diabetic ulcers; and help regrow muscle and bone.


& Post-Treatment Review


by a Qualified Nurse

Procedure Time

30-45 Minutes


Visible Immediately

Minimal Pain

Numbing Cream

What Is PRP?

Platelet rich plasma (PRP), also known as the Vampire or Dracula Facial, uses an extract of your own blood. The blood is put through a centrifuge, and the plasma separated from the red cells. The Plasma is important, as it contains platelets, growth factors, and active proteins for tissue and injury healing.

When PRP is placed back into the skin by injection or micro-needling, it initiates a localized stem cell response. Over the weeks and months following treatment, this stem cell response recruits collagen-producing cells called fibroblasts. The fibroblasts replace tissue that has been damaged or lost through the aging process with healthy skin that looks refreshed and rejuvenated. The potential benefits of PRP have led to a recent widespread interest in its use for anti-aging and regenerative purposes, being used as a cosmetic treatment for the following:

Get in touch with us to book a consultation with one of our beauty experts.

Within a few weeks of treatment, an overall improvement in skin hydration, texture and tone can be seen. New collagen and blood vessels begin to grow after three to six weeks, and reduction of fine lines and wrinkles and volume correction happens over the next three to six months.*

For best results, 3 treatments, spaced 2-3 months apart may be necessary. The effects of PRP can last 12 months to two years, depending on the individual.*

While it creates a longer-lasting effect in the skin, it does take time to work. For women looking for an immediate effect, PRP can be combined with hyaluronic acid fillers for quick volume correction. Fillers provide a matrix for building new collagen and can be used to accelerate and sustain the benefits of PRP.

Potential side effects of PRP include swelling and bruising in treated area, which can last 3-7 days.*


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